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Meet our team
Augie Ghilarducci
VP of Training & Development
Augie Ghilarducci knows what it's like to need a second opportunity; after serving 12 years in prison for white-collar crimes, he launched a second career empowering others to break the chains of their past and create a positive new future. As part of 2nd Opportunity, Augie now delivers his life-skills and employment-readiness programming online, via tablets, and in person in jails and prisons, substance abuse recovery centers, and more.
A. Ulises Valdez
Instructor y líder de pensamiento
Cuando Ulises Valdez fue sentenciado a 144 meses de prisión por cargos de conspiración de drogas, inicialmente planeó pasar su tiempo allí afinando su juego de tráfico de drogas. Eso cambió cuando comenzó a escuchar a su compañero de celda, Augie, que estaba enseñando una clase de establecimiento de metas a otros reclusos. Hoy, Ulises está trabajando en su licenciatura mientras también se desempeña como presentador del programa en español de 2nd Opportunity.
Augie's program is essential to our purpose.
This program is very helpful and breaks things down to a science. It will also prep you by pointing you in the right direction of the things you want to pursue.
Anibal R.
Program Participant
Kane County Jail, IL
Program Participant
Kane County Jail, IL
Augie knows personally how important it is for convicted felons to be given the tools, the resources, and the equal opportunities to succeed in life.
Juan M.
Program Participant
Kendall County Jail, IL
Program Participant
Kendall County Jail, IL
I truly believe your program helped me and so many others find hope in an otherwise hopeless situation.
Jacob C.
Program Participant
Kendall County Jail, IL
Program Participant
Kendall County Jail, IL